Remembrance – George Hill

Remembrance – George Hill

Today, 25th September, we remember George Hill who was killed in action 100 years ago today in 1916.

Rippingale born George and his brother Arthur, both signed up to fight for King and Country, unfortunately, along with their brother in law, Charlie Sharpe, none were to make it home at the end of the war.

George, a Wagoner working in Rippingale, signed up in Bourne on the 30th September 1914, first serving with the 10th battalion and then later with the 1st battalion Lincolnshire regiment. George was killed during the on going actions for the Battle of the Somme on the 25th September 1916.

George Hill is buried in Guards Cemetery, Lesboeufs, France and also commemorated on the Rippingale Memorial.

A short history of George’s military career can be found on the Rippingale pages on the Jamie and Sue website.

Photo courtesy of Jim Latham


Remembrance – Arthur Bates

Remembrance – Arthur Bates

Today we remember Sgt Arthur Bates of the 1st Battalion Lincolnshire regiment. A regular soldier before the Great War, he had seen action in South Africa and more recently in India before returning home and placed in depot reserve at Lincoln.
Rejoining his battalion when war was declared on the 4th August, Arthur and the 1st Battalion were mobilised to France and on the 24th August were involved in a rearguard action during the allied retreat.

Sgt Arthur Bates was killed in action whilst a brave few men of the Lincolnshire regiment held an orchard in Fromelles in front of the advancing German Army.

Arthur was the first Morton man to be killed in the Great War and as well as his grave in the communal cemetery in Fromelles, is remembered on both the Morton and Bourne war memorials.



16th April 1918

Tuesday 16th April 1918

Bourne & Witham on the Hill

Today we learn of the sad death of Arthur Head of Bourne and Witham on the Hill who was killed today serving his country with the 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment near Wytschaete in Belgium.

He will be missed by all in the town, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

1st November 1914

Sunday 1st November 1914


Today we learn of the sad death of Arthur Holland of Edenham who died today serving his country with the 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment in Belgium.

We also learn of the sad loss of the Rt Hon Peter R. H. D. Willoughby, 1st Son of the Earl and Countess of Ancaster, killed whilst serving with The Royal Navy on board HMS Monmouth.

They will be missed by all in the village, their sacrifice will not be forgotten.